In a Life Between Lives (LBL) session, the journey begins similarly to a Past Life Regression (PLR). We first regress through your current life to the very beginning, then transition into a past life that holds significant relevance for you at this moment. This past life is carefully chosen by your Higher Self, ensuring it is the one you most need to explore and review.
As we journey through that past life, we witness its completion, including the death scene, but from an elevated, non-stressful perspective. Once this transition is made, we move beyond the physical, often traveling to a place referred to as "Home," where your Soul Self can freely explore different realms and dimensions. While many who undertake this journey experience similarities, each visit is unique, offering insights specific to you and your spiritual path.
Throughout the session, I guide you with questions designed to encourage deep exploration and to gather as much wisdom and knowledge as possible. The goal is to collect everything that is meant for you to receive and understand during this time. The session concludes with a “One-on-One” conversation between me and your Higher Self. This is where I ask the questions you've prepared and seek answers on your behalf.
Before we return to the present, we ensure that you’ve received all the guidance and knowledge you need, completing your journey in the way that’s right for you. ✨💫⚡
~Shari Crook Turnage